Health project follow up

2 minute read

Hi, today I wanted to check in on my goals and post the results good and bad. In my last post The health project part 1, I set myself some hefty goals. I am now around a month after starting out.

First, let me say that I feel fantastic! I decided two months ago to take some time for myself and quit my job. This really healed me and let me focus on myself and my newly purchased home. I feel more energized and I am learning new things every day.

How am I doing in terms of health? I had fun with a loose form of strength training and recently committed myself to doing 2 compound exercises every day. Either bench press, squat, overhead press or deadlift. I started lifting heavier on my squat and deadlift but at some point, I felt unsatisfied with my technique and decided to come back a few kilograms and focus on my form. I now bench 150lb from 135lb, my personal best (PB). My squat and deadlift are around 200lb near my PB. My overhead press is at 95lb. This shows during my bouldering session and I am now completing even more v6-v7 and even sent three v8! I’ve gained some muscle everywhere (shoulders looking sharp!) and my belly is flatter. Overall, I am really happy with my results. Beach body here I come!

On the endurance and speed side, I didn’t do that much. My 5k time went from 6m30/km to around 5m10/km (PB: 4m47). I did a few HIIT runs and use my bike a few times to go to the gym or for a 30-40 km ride, but I have mostly been inconsistent. This will soon change though! I had a blast at a trail run trial and decided to join and go once or twice a week. During the trial, I felt really strong and my cardio was among the best in the group. We do around 9-10km with 300m of slopes.

Lastly, my sleep has been inconsistent. I had a good streak of around a month, but with the change in temperature from cold to hot, I am having more difficulty going into a deep sleep. I need to have better temperature control and an empty mind before going to bed.

My health is not something I will fix and be done in a month. I am really happy that some things I implemented are starting to feel like habits and I am really looking forward to going beyond my capacity and setting new personal bests for myself.

